Higgins Lake Land Conservancy Receives Its First Conservation Easement
On November 18, 2007 the Higgins Lake Land Conservancy received a 60 Acre Conservation Easement located in Section 13 of Gerrish Township from Bobbe Morley. This property borders on Robinson Lake Road and Oakwood Road about 2 miles east of Town & Country Market. This property can now be described as the Bobbe Dale Morley Conservation Easement Property. It remains private, but will no longer be subject to intense development. Provisions in the easement allow for the maintenance of the existing “car port” as well as the right to add structures and modifications or uses within a two acre parcel (building enve-lope) located at the existing gate on Robin-son Lake Rd. It will be the responsibility of the Higgins Lake Land Conservancy to inspect this property on a yearly basis to insure compliance with the easement. |